I see it like running the marathon. Even when I was training for it (now 12 years ago)… the thing that keeps you going further and further is knowing that you have already come this far and starting over means you don’t get the new distance under your belt. There are training programs (goals) to meet to be able to run a full marathon. You train up to each new distance milestone. You build up. And you have to hit those goals, or you will never build up.
So when you are on mile 15 and your goal is 18 and you want to stop… you say… I can’t just run this 15 miles again tomorrow morning, it took me, (checks watch and wipes sweaty brow) 90 long hard minutes to get here. It’s only another 30 to go. Just get it done and you now can say you did 18 miles! So that’s what I am planning to do. Of course, when training for a marathon you have days where you are sore, you don’t have enough time…. but I have to think of training for this the same way. Eat right, get enough sleep, buy good shoes (good teas or other non-alcoholic beverages), make time for running (make time for meditating) … do the right things so that training for sobriety can stay on track.